About Us

In a fast-paced society like ours, comfort is a word that we all dream about. For pet owners like us, the need to constantly take care of our pets at the highest quality while also worrying but the nutritional balance of the food can be tiring. To solve the problem for loving pet owners led to the development of Snuggly.

We are a brand that loves to be a helping hand to the millions of loving Australian pet owners. We give you the choice to plan your pets’ meals. Whether it is a dog, cat, bird, fish or even a rabbit. The meal plans are customised specifically for your pet, considering its various details which you would provide us through the quick quiz you do with us.

Our service is delivered on a weekly basis, while also being at a competitive price. In addition to that, everyone who is a member of the subscription service will receive exclusive pet toys/gear every six weeks completely free of charge as a way of saying thank you from us. Snuggly provides its services to a wide range to pet owners making it the one-stop shop for anything pet related.